Why Story Compass?

The power of story is truly transcendent. As an effective storyteller, you gain the power of persuasion by piquing curiosity, fostering connection, and building trust. The Story Compass Workshop has supported countless executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals across a wide range of industries in mastering the art of impactful storytelling. Colleen Stewart, Founder of Perfect Pitch, is excited to bring her teachings online so more storytellers can discover and use story, both in and out of the workplace. This course exists at the intersection between personal and professional development. If you’re ready to elevate the way you engage with the people around you and the impact you make, sign up now.  

Get started today.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Story Compass!

    2. What do you want to get out of this course?

    3. Getting Started

    4. What You Will Learn

    5. Housekeeping!

    6. Moving From "What" to "Why"

    7. Activity Time!

    8. Stories in Action: A Sales Rep

    9. Stories in Action: Reflection Questions

    10. Stories in Action: A Manager

    11. Stories in Action: Reflection Questions

    12. Quick Check-In!

    13. What You've Learned

    1. What You Will Learn

    2. What is Driving Your Communication?

    3. Activity Time!

    4. Stories In Action

    5. Quick Note!

    6. Sample Presentation 1

    7. Reflection Questions 1

    8. Let's Discuss!

    9. Sample Presentation 2

    10. Reflection Questions 2

    11. Let's Discuss!

    12. Test Your Knowledge

    13. Your Brain On Information & Stories

    14. Put That Brain To The Test

    15. Our Blades Are F*%g Great

    16. Stories In Action

    17. Our Blades Are F*%g Great Continued

    18. Reflection Question

    19. What You've Learned

    1. Learning Objectives

    2. The Basic Building Blocks

    3. Test Your Knowledge

    4. Let's Dig Deeper!

    5. Try It!

    6. The Essential Qualities

    7. Dig Deeper!

    8. Test Your Knowledge

    9. What You've Learned

    1. Learning Objectives

    2. A Simple Story Structure

    3. Test Your Knowledge

    4. Try It!

    5. Dig Deeper

    6. Stories In Action

    7. Stories In Action: A Closer Look

    8. Share Your Thoughts

    9. Stories In Action: How Did You Do?

    10. Dig Deeper!

    11. Test Your Knowledge

    12. Building Blocks & Simple Structure

    13. Try It!

    14. Reflection Questions

    15. What You've Learned

    1. Learning Objectives

    2. The Hero's Journey

    3. Reflection Questions

    4. The Hero's Journey Continued

    5. Dig Deeper

    6. Test Your Knowledge

    7. Dig Deeper

    8. What You've Learned

    1. Learning Objectives

    2. The Four Types of Stories

    3. Test Your Knowledge

    4. Try It!

    5. What You've Learned

    6. The Story Compass Journal - You're Going To Need This!

The Story Compass

  • $579.00
  • 101 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Meet Colleen Stewart

President, Perfect Pitch Consulting Group

Colleen Stewart, Founder of Perfect Pitch and author of The Story Compass believes deeply in the impact of storytelling. Well, good storytelling at least. Colleen has spent years diving into the importance of storytelling and why leaders should care to develop this skill. She realized presenters were often too quick to jump into the “what” of a presentation before establishing the “why”. Great leaders know answering the “why” is the key to having your audience pay attention to the “what” and “how”. Colleen helps people talk about what they do in a memorable, captivating way that inspires others to act.

Buy The Book

The Story Compass: Navigating Through Uncertainty in Your Business

In today’s uncertain and volatile business environment, that compass is the story. Storytelling will connect you to your new future, the knowledge you gain travelling there, the values you’ll hold on to when you arrive, and the journey that helped you decide that this is where you wanted to be. Most importantly, the stories you craft and tell will connect your values and beliefs to investors, customers, and employees. That connection will build trust. Through storytelling, the people you need most will know exactly where you’re headed, and they may just sign up for the ride. The Story Compass is your guide to get them there.